Monatsthema April

April theme

This is where my next diorama will be created together with you.

The topic is:

Tea party in the magic forest

Do you have any ideas? Write me right here in the comments or by Mail

From April you will see the first pictures here.

March 22, 2023

As I see in the comments, you are just as passionate about the topic as I am. Thank you for the nice words! With so much inspiration, I got even more ideas.

The first parts that I painted directly arrived today.


The right crockery is part of the colorfully laid tea party table. I came across a great idea for the decor. For this I only need nail stickers and clear lacquer and the boring white dishes look flowery colorful.

March 28, 2023

The tea party table is already set in my head, so I first designed a table and four chairs. The first little forest dwellers are already there who hop over the table afterwards.


So that the handicrafts can finally start, I have the Roombox or, in this case, a forest box today. To give the forest more depth, I chose a mirror box. A hole for the moon is already cut in the back wall.


I 've been looking forward to painting the floor slab for a long time, as I already had a stone template that I wanted to try out long ago. For this, I first applied a layer of green acrylic paint. After drying, I dabbed a second layer (two shades of gray) with a sponge. As you can see, I dabbed a little too much paint at the front of the first shift. I may correct that later.


Of course, an enchanted forest also needs trees, Logical! I had to think about the "problem" for a while. My original idea was to print the trees in 3D, but for a tree it prints 10 hours and I need at least four of them. That is out of proportion! Then I wanted to do tree trunks in 3D with the laser. Takes too much space away from me in the box and uses too much material. Now it will not be 3D trees but engraved wood. I think with painting and a little moss, the nacher also look good.

In the background: May I introduce?! Mr.Elegoo Pro on the job. He's currently working on a forest dweller project. Do you recognize which animal it is?


Trees conquered!


After putting the test, I was very excited and had to continue tinkering...

. .. First I finished pasting the floor with lawn mat and moss on the edges. I had to mow a bit where the trees should be.

Before I set it up, I have to wait a little longer until the light color is dry.


The forest works well without a coffee table. Unfortunately, the trees consume so much material that I will not offer this Waldorama box in the shop. I just think nobody spends € 50 on three such trees, but please go if you want one.


A few bushes are already growing in the magic forest and there is a day and a night side. I cut a piece of artificial turf for the grasses, the bushes are made of aquarium plants. In addition, moss is always good bushes.

I love this reflection, it can conjure up an entire forest from three trees. What I didn't consider, however, the moon is now hanging between the trees instead of in the background. Maybe later I'll give him a face and invite him to the tea party.


You dear fellow readers and persecutors, I would like to thank you all for your warm comments. Everyone motivates and inspires me. I would love to answer every single one and have the feeling that you could inspire and exchange ideas. A platform in which your works can be presented or questions and answers on various miniature topics can be exchanged. Can you just as well imagine that? It's my turn to "install" such a forum, more detailed information will be available in the newsletter soon.

That was how it had to be said, but now to the magic forest...

Decorating these tiny cupcakes gave me great fun... and appetite. They are printed with pink filament, painted and covered with tiny decorative litter.


A bit happened again in the Waldorama. More flowers, here with aquarium plants.

The branches that I finished first are now in their place and look exactly as I imagined.

Now I'm looking forward to decorating the details.

The first forest dweller has already moved in. He is shy and still hiding.

April 19, 2023

I had already mentioned that I invite the moon to a tea party. Here he is already.


Today I finally got around to covering the tea table. A few tea guests have fun too. My favorite is the little March rabbit that cheekily occupies the hatter's chair.


After decorating a few more details and installing the light, this project is now complete. Here are the new details:

I had precise ideas about the light. I wanted elves to light up the night. But the elves were too small for my printer and I spontaneously stuck a LED chain of lights, a Schmettenling wing to the LED.

For the moon, I cut a hole in the back. And since it's hollow on the inside, I could just put in a chain of lights.

The box has three different light situations.

An LED stripe sticks under the ceiling for bright uniform lighting:

The moon and the elves have separate LED fairy lights that are turned on individually for the night tea party:

And when the light goes out completely, there is a surprise that cannot be photographed in detail:

When charging with the UV lamp (it is faster and the color shines more intensely) these images were created:

I really enjoyed this project and I was very happy about every single comment. Thank you for following my projects and leaving so much love here.

Back to the blog


Teeparty im Zauberwald – da fallen mir ganz spontan folgende Dinge ein:
*ganz viele Moose und Flechten, die von Bäumen hängen und mit PunktLED’s oder versteckten Lichterketten das tiefe Grünbraun-Schwarz des Zauberwaldes mystisch beleuchten
*fliegende Teetassen und -kannen auf einer schwebenden Picknickdecke
*diverse fluoreszierende (hinterleuchtete) Pflanzen und verschiedene magische Pilze
*durchscheinende zierliche Elfen, die hinter Bäumen hervorsehen oder in den Schattenbereichen umherhuschen oder eine Hand hinter einem Baum hervorstrecken.
*tolle Spinnennetze dürfen auch nicht fehlen
*schwebender Hexenhut
*Eulen und hängende Fledermäuse

Ich merke schon, da fällt mir gleich wieder viel zu viel ein. Ich lasse meine Gedanken aber immer wieder in diese imaginäre Welt abschweifen und melde mich wieder dazu! Bleibt miniaturistisch gespannt, was uns Katrin da wieder alles entwerfen und zaubern wird! Ich jedenfalls freue mich schon sehr auf’s nächste Monatsthema. lg – Gertrude


Liebe Katrin, ich denke ja dass du einige Details schon fertig hast – die süße fliegende Teekanne z. B.; auf jeden Fall müssen pflanzliche Add-Ons dazu – vielleicht ein paar Baumsilhouetten an die man noch Ranken kleben kann oder kleine Blüten? Ein Moosteppich untendrunter, eine dicke Wurzel zum draufsitzen oder so. Ein Teetablett? Vielleicht auch (k)ein Hase ;o) sondern ein Eichhörnchen oder Reh? Und eine tolle Backlight-Folie mit gedämpftem Sonnenlicht unter Bäumen. Wahrscheinlich alles Dinge die Du Dir sowieso schon überlegt hast :o))

LG, Anne


Spontan zum Thema Teeparty und Zauberwald fällt mir die Sitzgelegenheit und der Tisch in Form von Fliegenpilzen ein. Dazu dann ein Geschirr mit Tiermotiven oder auch mit Fliegenpilzen. Die fliegende Kanne mit Teetasse würde hier auch wieder gut zu passen. Blumen und Bäume mit Gesicht und Armen. Tiere, die bekleidet sind Gegenstände die laufen oder fliegen können.
Liebe Grüße Iris


Das ist mein Traumthema(!) und deshalb musste ich sofort schreiben!
Teeparty im Wunderland hat so viele schöne Aspekte:
Die Uhren vom Hasen, der bunte und bunt-gedeckte Tisch, die “halben” Tassen und die Stühle…
Natürlich sollte der Hut des Hutmachers seine Anwesenheit andeuten und es braucht süße kleine Speisen…
In der Szene würde sich, wenn auch nicht im original vorhanden, ein Kronleuchter gut machen oder eine altbackene Stehlampe, die ja im Wald einfach gut das Wunderland unterstreicht.

Beste Grüße


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